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Meet the Team
Michelle Martin, Kristy McLeod, Argiri Kotsomitis & Caroline Rigg

Our Charity for the first Peppercorn Market - 'Princess Emily's Big Fight'
The Peppercorn Market team are super proud to be handing over $2,300 to Emily Ernesti (Princess Emily's Big Fight) These funds were raised from the gold coin donations at entry, raffle and jumping castle money.
We thank the public for supporting our market, we truly were overwhelmed with the turn out, the feedback and praise has been amazing, we would like to wish Emily all the very best for her future ❤️
Peppercorn Market Team: Michelle, Argiri, Kristy, Caroline

Proudly displaying our banner
around town
We were so lucky to be able to create over 18 raffle prizes, all donated by our wonderful stall holders

Stalls in Action at our Inaugural Market,
9th April 2017

Community Love

A massive thanks to Anne Rosewarne for taking the time to photograph our event and to the people of Whyalla and surrounds, thank you.
Peppercorn Market
November 12, 2017

The TEAM testing out the photo booth

Our chosen charity to receive the funds from the market was 'Dfaces, a local community group who specialise in the arts, producing so many talented children and adults, we raised a massive $3000 which we presented to them and were lucky enough to be featured on the front page of the Whyalla News.

An exciting and well received attraction to the Christmas Market was the addition of Old Macdonald's petting zoo

Again we were so blessed to have a huge amount of raffle prizes, below are just a small portion.


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